Pleasure to see the hard work pay .... Hence passion is important in all you do
Edited Date: 20 July 2016 Walking down the stairs of my office today, painfully tired and hungry from the days’ work, there was nice smell of food from the restaurant at the ground floor of our office building. Also, there was a buzz of noise at the floor above our office; which apparently was an opening ceremony of the business that just shifted their office above us. Food being prepared was for the same event.. While walking down those stairs, it gave me immense pleasure, watching the restaurant which happened to be our client, doing well that day and many other days to follow. I remembered sitting down with the owner of the restaurant during the marketing campaign that, the day will come when business will do good. I remembered requesting him to watch Gordan Ramsey Kitchen Nightmare episodes.. all of them. I remembered those days when our team worked hard to design attractive menus, collect feedbacks from customers and employees, coming up ...